Recording service
Recording services are attached to CLB components. Only a single recording service can be defined per CLB.
Start by creating a component chosing Recording service category
Then enter server URI where the recorder can be contacted.
External Recorder
Chose SIPREC compatibility for on prem/regular DC voice recorder.
the URI supports multiple format, tcp://... is unencrypted signaling and media while using tls://... would use SIPREC over TLS and SRTP for media
Alphacom Dubber Recorder
Chose Alphacom compatibility for Cloud based Dubber recorder
the URI supports multiple format, ws://... is unencrypted Web Socket transport while using wss://... would record over Web Socket secure connections.
The details to deploy and configure the Alphacom Dubber Recorder can be found in Dubber Recorder
Enable Recording
Now that the recorder is defined. You need to link it to a CLB.
Open the CLB Component and under Recording Services link the Recorder
After a restart of the CLB Container, the CLB will use that recorder to record the calls hosted on the slots linked to that CLB and that have Recording enabled: